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Zestful Aging

Mar 30, 2019

In 2013, Gloria Rakowsky noticed the lack of women at craft beer events in Syracuse, NY and the idea was born to start a Meetup for like minded women. The first meeting had 14 women, and now the Syracuse Women of Craft Beer have 100 members. They meet monthly to learn about the local micro brewery scene, get educated...

Mar 23, 2019

Dr. Tia Powell is the author of the brand new book "Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End". Despite being a physician and a bioethicist, she wasn't prepared to address the challenges she faced when her grandmother, and then her mother, were diagnosed with dementia--not to...

Mar 16, 2019

An award winning photographer and the founder of “Ageist”, a media company whose purpose is to reinvent how life is lived, experienced and understood by those over 50. He is an expert on the new life phase that is emerging among this financially empowered yet underserved demographic. Find out more at...

Mar 9, 2019

In 2016, Kathryn Harrison wrote and illustrated her debut picture book, “Weeds in Nana’s Garden”, to help spread understanding of dementia among children. Since its publication, her book has been translated into multiple languages and is available globally. In 2018, she collaborated with dementia care expert,...

Mar 8, 2019

Kristin Neff, Ph.D. is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion, being the first one to operationally define and measure the construct over a decade ago. In addition to her pioneering research into self-compassion, she has developed an eight-week program to teach self-compassion...