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Crack A Brew With AJW

Jun 17, 2023

In this episode AJW cracks a brew with two time Western States champion Hal Koerner to discuss directing an aid station at the iconic race, Hal's long history with the event and his hope to return to run it again in 2024.
Follow Hal on Twitter and instagram @halkoerner
Visit Hal's store at

Jun 10, 2023

In this episode two time top-10 Western States finisher Katie Asmuth joins AJW to reminisce about her first 100 miler at Angeles Crest 100, why she loves the Memorial Weekend Training Camp so much, and her state of mind going into this year's Western States.
Follow Katie's adventures on

Jun 3, 2023

In this episode AJW sits down with Karl "Speedgoat" Meltzer, the winningest 100 mile runner of all time to discuss what's harder, east coast trails or west coast trails and to ruminate on the future of the sport both of them love to much.
You can find Karl on instagram and twitter @karlmeltzer and learn all about his...