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Michael J. Chanley Teachings

Dec 26, 2023

This special episode was recorded live at our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

 Worship was led by Laura Meyers with Helen Nierman accompanying her on the piano. Steve Watkins played the guitar. Eden Chanley provided a reading from Luke 2.

Please Note: During my message, we created an opportunity for those in...

Dec 26, 2023

Christmas decorations often feature a Nativity scene. It is a beautiful portrayal of the birth of Christ and a cherished tradition for many. In this week's message from The Gift of Love series, we consider the hidden message of love portrayed in the actions of those represented in the Nativity scene.

We invite you to...

Dec 19, 2023

Daniel and his friends are forcefully removed from their family. Worse, their national identity, their names, and even their futures are torn away as they are forced to submit to the Babylonian rulers. Yet, in the face of utmost despair, they continue. They model faith in action.

Join us in this timely message as we...

Dec 13, 2023

This special message was recorded at our 2023 Annual Christmas and Thanksgiving Party. We took advantage of this gathering to launch some important changes for our church family.

Specifically, we announced:

  • Our new vision statement (see below)
  • A new church logo
  • An updated church directory
  • The new church website -

Dec 12, 2023

Joseph is favored by his father and then abused by his brothers. He is sold into human trafficking and eventually wrongfully imprisoned. However, he never seems to give up hope that God will provide and fulfill the dreams he was given as a child.

Today, we learn from Joseph's hope-giving example by considering if the...