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Michael J. Chanley Teachings

Nov 28, 2023

Biblical hope is not hope casually tossed at the lowest common denominator. Nor is it hope in a possible good outcome. Certainly, it is not “I hope so… rolling-of-the-dice-type of hope.”

  • It is hope that is grounded in generations of faithfulness.
  • It is hope proven by the fulfillment of prophecies.
  • It is hope connected to faith and the demonstrated love of God; a gift of hope, fulfilled in the name of Jesus!

As followers of Christ, we need not say, “I hope so…” regarding our eternal destination. We have the distinct blessing of true hope, with the assured confidence of the One who is always faithful, perfectly just, and unendingly filled with love and mercy.

Our God's love is the perfect, hope-giving gift, freely given to all.

When we accept His free gift, we are indwelled by His Spirit.

We become born of hope. 

We become hope in action.


About This Series

Hope & Honeybess is an original sermon series recorded live at Tunnel Hill Christian Church in Georgetown, Indiana. This series explores the biblical message of hope from Genesis through Revelation. It also covers material from Michael J. Chanley's book: Hope & Honeybees: Lessons of Faith From a Local Beekeeper. In this new book, Michael applies lessons he learned as a beekeeper and extracts a powerfully, inspirational analogy of the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

You can buy Hope & Honeybees: Lessons of Faith From a Local Beekeeper almost everywhere. A list of vendors and ordering options can be found here: find Hope & Honeybees.


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