Jul 25, 2023
Heyyy It is the patrons choice episode for this run, they chose reptile guys and I think we delivered. We met a guy named Professor Herp and learned a bit about the breeders which are the gods of the reptile world. I also talk about my time a Chuck E Cheese where my supervisor invited me to his house to watch him feed...
Jul 18, 2023
Some of the most maligned music fans are Prog Rock Guys. We brought in an actual musician Steven Sladkowski from the band Pup https://www.puptheband.com/ to talk about the PhD's of rock.
We checked Quora to get a bit of information about what the music is
We also took a bit of a detour to talk about the time I DJ'd...
Jul 11, 2023
Chris is camping so, in order to have a representative from Vancouver I had Stefan heck (Blocked Party and Go Off Kings) come on and cohost a round table discussion about Hypebeasts from 3 guys who have had their very own hypebeast phase
We looked into bots, the supreme charcoal grill, talked about our own stupidly...
Jul 4, 2023
Meet Tony K. from Vancouver British Columbia. He is my new obsession and I think you will also love him.
If you don't listen to a lot of my stuff from the Patreon or on Twitch you will have the pleasure of meeting Mancow for the first time
Guys+ listeners know Draft M. and we got to know him a bit better
Finally, we...