Aug 29, 2023
We talked about cheap guys, it turns out that I might not be one, we talked about my past spending, what makes a cheap guy (it is generally someone that can afford stuff but lives like they can't, we are not talking about people who are broke, don't get mad at us)
It was a lot of fun and we learned a few tricks to...
Aug 22, 2023
From the earliest days of Street Fight I always wanted to do a show about Pastafarians but I didn't feel like it fit.
Well, Guys is perfect for this sort of thing so I put together a hell of a team and we had Dan O'Sullivan from and
Regular Guys guest Tom Sexton...
Aug 15, 2023
You all kept asking for it and we finally did it so now you can get mad at me. We brought Merritt on to talk about Warhammer 40k, the most impenetrable subject we have ever covered.
Thanks to @lebigaristotle on Twitter for hipping me to a few guys
We talked about the Warhammer hotel, the love of Henry Cavill, whether...
Aug 8, 2023
We took a look at some of the most ordinary perople we have ever looked at, weather guys. What does it take to be a storm chaser? What do weather guys think of Twister? We even find a weather guy feud of the century
Find Mattie at and buy Boys Weekend at any bookstores
Make sure that you watch Not...
Aug 1, 2023
This is the first show in my new studio so forgive me if I sound like I am in an echoey church
We talked preppers this week
We checked in with what sorts of luxury items a prepper would take, how a prepper would defend thier home and of course we looked into food buckets
Kevin is on twitter at