Dec 26, 2023
Go Bucks, Michigan Sucks!
We invited our friend SexJ ( from to talk about the most pure sport with the most loyal fans and players, College Football. While I grew up steeped in it, Chris and Sexj grew up liking the less pure professional sports.
We spent some...
Dec 19, 2023
So, I decided to do something a bit different for Christmas Guys. We had our friend Brittany Lyseng to talk about how some of our favorite guys celebrate the holiday. We looked at some swinger traditions and christmas list, then we looked to see what they are selling on The Chivery followed by some Pastafarians,...
Dec 12, 2023
This week on Guys we have MCU guys, they love the comic book movies, no, not all of the comic book movies, just the Marvel ones. We talk a bit about how many of the movies we have seen and then we read a Marvel spec script and listen to a rap song!
This week as our guest we have movie critic and podcaster Vince Mancini
Dec 5, 2023
This is the episode that the patrons picked, it seemed like it would be easy to do until I had an actual crisis of confidence and decided that it would not be fun to make fun of young christians so here is what i did, we made fun of old youth pastors and met some real characters. How does a groupy for Wang Chung make...