Jun 25, 2024
You made me do it, so I finally did it. Me and Chris had Kate Willett https://www.katewillett.com/ on the show to talk about some real perverts, the Elon Musk Guy. We also spread the good word of The Chive and read a genuine Chive riff about Elon. We tried our hardest to understand them but I am not sure we can ever...
Jun 18, 2024
We had Jack Wagner https://www.instagram.com/otherworldpod/ on to talk about alien guys, not aliens that are guys but guys that believe in aliens. What could Deftones possibly have to do with aliens? What percentage of the worlds nukes would it take to kill the alien invaders? What is it like to mind-meld with a...
Jun 11, 2024
We brought Jesse on to talk about Renaissance Faire Guys and plenty of other things. My sister told me that I should be a renaissance faire insulter so we looked at the most famous insulter. We looked at the nuts and bolts of how to speak at a faire and some of the things that grinds their gears
You can find Jesse at
Jun 4, 2024
The first Sequel Episode!!!! We brought Chris Wade back to talk about Classic Rock Guys again! You know we listened to some Michael Noland!!! He doesn't like the show "America's Got Toilet" and thinks it is ruining music!!! We looked at Ticketmaster reviews and also Rate Your Music reviews!!
You can find Chris at