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Chasing Excellence

Oct 27, 2020

Author James Clear joins us this week to talk about opportunity costs, why reading is such a valuable habit, and why entrepreneurship is such a powerful engine of personal growth.

Oct 20, 2020

We're jumping back into your questions this week, covering things like training for the CrossFit Games as a teen, how to warm-up for an early-morning workout, and the advice I hear all the time that I think is bad.

Oct 13, 2020

Reflecting on the last six months of being in lockdown, today we're talking about being a realist, what to do when we're surrounded by negativity, and balancing being in the moment and anticipating the future.

Oct 6, 2020

I recently joined Greg McKeown on the Essentialism podcast, where we talked about measuring the most important things, learning about my leadership biases, and editing our lives to be sure there's space for the essential few. Here's our conversation.