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Chasing Excellence

Sep 28, 2021

Your questions are back in the spotlight! This time around, we're talking about how to make sure your ladder is up against the right wall, the pros and cons of an open gym period, lactate threshold training, and a bunch more.

Find us on Social: Ben | Patrick

👉🏼 Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7...

Sep 21, 2021

We've talked about making sure our ladders are up against the right walls, but how do you also make sure you're climbing up the ladder? We dive into that here, talking about the system I use to chase fulfillment, from my big goals to my daily tasks.

Find us on Social: Ben | Patrick

👉🏼 Ben Bergeron is a

Sep 14, 2021

Sergey Young is an author and investor working to radically extend human health and lifespans. He joins us to talk about the definition of aging, the technology of the near future, creating lives worth extending, and more.

Find us on Social: Sergey | Ben | Patrick

👉🏼 Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach...

Sep 7, 2021

Is comparison the thief of joy? That's the question we pose at the start of this week's episode, talking about intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation, what a true competitor looks like, and how to use our ambition for good.

Find us on Social: Ben | Patrick

👉🏼 Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit...