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The Best Thing Ever

Dec 1, 2023

While Best Thing Ever is on break, we checked in with Anthony about being a new dad including lack of sleep, low expectations, and declawing babies. Parenting is fun and not that hard! 

Nov 1, 2023

Alex Falcone and Ezra Fox accidentally became mummy romance experts when they wrote their best-selling young adult novel ( For Spooktober they're reviewing three classic pieces of mummy pop culture and analyzing how good the mummies are if they can get it. Today they dive into a...

Oct 27, 2023

Part two of our mini-series about mummies for spooky month. This time we talked about the most famous mummy romance novel (besides ours): The Mummy or Ramses the Damses by Anne Rice.

Next week we'll wrap things up (sorry) with a slant rhyme on mummies, zombie romance.

Oct 13, 2023

Alex and Ezra accidentally became mummy romance experts when they wrote their best-selling young adult novel ( For Spooktober they're reviewing three classic pieces of mummy pop culture and analyzing how good the mummies are if they can get it.

Sep 14, 2023

All good things must come to an end and so must all okay things! With that, we're calling this the official end of season 1. We talked about 27 things all of which could have been the best thing ever but today we decide once and for all which one is (you'll be surprised). Plus a mini ranking and a bunch of list stuff...