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Real Producers

Jan 25, 2024

Business owners, community figures, entrepreneurs and valuable resources. These are just a few of the things that real estate agents represent.


These roles put real estate professionals in a unique position that most don’t take advantage of. We can provide value through buying and selling a home, but there’s so much more we could do. From investing in real estate in our own right and serving our communities, to helping the consumers across many categories, we can be the all-encompassing resource for the people we work with.


What are some of the avenues we can use to extend the value we provide? What value can we provide outside of just buying or selling a home? In this episode, I’m joined by Austin TX agent, Hannah Allen. She shares how her unique childhood led her to real estate and how she’s extending her value outside of the transaction.


I don’t consider myself solely a luxury real estate professional. I love being an all encompassing agent and a resource. -Hannah Allen


Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


-The lost art of the bed and breakfast

What did Hannah learn from growing up under the same roof as bed and breakfast?


-Be the all encompassing agent 

When you decide to go after luxury listings, how do you make sure you don’t become so pigeonholed that you shut out other price points? 


-Win the social media game

Most agents use platforms like Instagram to market themselves, but not LinkedIn. How is Hannah using the platform to strengthen her brand?


Guest Bio


Hannah Allen is an Austin TX agent and investor. Since before she was born, Hannah Allen’s family has had a history of connecting to the greater community via politics, tourism, hospitality and art. Her family home in Central Texas was so welcoming in fact, that by the time she’d turned 7, an extra bedroom was opened to visitors. Soon after other bedrooms followed and the “Colcord House” bed and breakfast was born. During some visits to Austin, Hannah became hooked by the city and today she helps clients through real estate.

For more information, follow @hannahtwelverivers on Instagram.