Oct 31, 2022
Sometimes you just need to escape a situation.
Listen to the book four playlist here https://talltaletv.com/series-of-portals-and-portents/
listen to book one http://talltaletv.com/series-monsters-mushrooms/
Oct 28, 2022
A tour guide at the Museum of Scientific Curiosities recounts the history of their newest exhibit; the failed mechanical god built by a 19th-century 'magnetic healing' group on orders of luminous beings from higher planes of reality.
Pat O’Malley lives in New York where he loves to write the kind of...
Oct 14, 2022
What would you do to get someone back?
Julia LaFond is a geoscience/astrobiology PhD candidate at Penn State University. She’s had short stories published via Alternative Holidays (B Cubed Press), Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, and Caustic Frolic. In her spare time, Julia enjoys reading...
Oct 10, 2022
Even superheroes find union negotiations difficult.
Andrew Rucker Jones is a former IT expert and American expatriate living in Germany with his Georgian wife and their three children. He quit his day job to become an author, and he has yet to regret it. You can read his blog at
Oct 7, 2022
A young boy returns home with magic tassels.
Joseph Carrabis has been everything from a long-haul trucker to a Chief Research Scientist and holds patents covering mathematics, anthropology, neuroscience, and linguistics. He created a technology in his basement that was in use in over 120...