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TALL TALE TV - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories

Apr 28, 2023

Rain Delay ep.619

Two tennis players' lives are turned upside down when they realize it never rains when they play.

Daniel M. Cojocaru (he, him) was born and grew up in Switzerland (of Romanian and Czech background). He studied English Lit in Zurich and later completed his PhD at Oxford University (St. Peter’s...

Apr 17, 2023

Checkpoint ep.618

On a distant planet, an alien teenager falls for the human girl whose exiled family has come to live there.

Joel Fishbane's novel "The Thunder of Giants" is available from St. Martin’s Press. His short fiction has been published in a variety of magazines, including On Spec, the Saturday Evening...

Apr 14, 2023

No Do-Overs ep.617

Brainwashing, the latest in child rearing technology!

Andrew Rucker Jones is a former IT dweeb and American expatriate living in Germany with his Georgian wife and their three children. His greatest literary achievement to date is authoring ninety-eight iCloud reminders for every household chore from...

Apr 10, 2023

Of Portals and Portents, Ch. 31 (book 4) ep.616

Some things must be done alone.

Listen to the book four playlist here


listen to book one

listen to book two

Apr 7, 2023

The Schooner Redwing ep.615

A Shipwrecked crew goes missing.


Andrew is an award winning fiction writer from Delaware where he owns and operates a small farm with his wife. His free time is spent as close to the water as possible, with a book in his hand, or writing stories that nobody wants to read.


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