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TALL TALE TV - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories

May 29, 2023

Epic Dinner Conversation ep.627

A suburban family is not what it seems to be.  Or, perhaps, it's exactly what it seems to be.  That, ultimately, is a choice one can make.

E. Kimball has nothing to promote, he just likes telling silly stories. A few have even been published! But if you'd like an up-to-date list of his...

May 22, 2023

Of Portals and Portents, Ch. 33 (book 4) ep.626

With every door that closes, one more opens.

Listen to the book four playlist here


listen to book one

listen to book two

May 19, 2023

Hard Memory ep.625

Someone is hacking neural implants and the only clue is their last memory.


Addison Smith (he/him) is an author and laborer living in Upstate New York, where he spends most of his time at libraries. He is a member of the Codex Writers Group, and his fiction has appeared in Fantasy Magazine, Fireside...

May 15, 2023

The Stamp Collector ep.624

When you receive everything you want for Christmas, do you ask who knows about your actions that previous year?


Robin Claiborne is a horror and fantasy writer living and working in New York. He is a stay-at-home father and short-story writer, and loves writing stories he'll one day share...

May 12, 2023

The Great Hall of Ahkurst ep.623

The old world may be forgotten, but it is not gone.


Lee Clark Zumpe, an entertainment columnist with Tampa Bay Newspapers, earned his bachelor’s in English at the University of South Florida. He began writing poetry and fiction in the early 1990s. His work has regularly appeared in a...