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The Florida Family Law Podcast

Aug 29, 2023

Many times couples go to therapy in an effort to salvage their struggling relationship.  We felt it would be valuable for our listeners to hear straight from the source as to just how effective therapy is, when it's time to recognize it won't work, and how often certain problems foreshadow an imminent ending.

Listen and...

Aug 24, 2023

Veteran of the United States Navy, son of an olympian, college football star - what more do we need to say to peak your interest in learning about the WONDERFUL Travis Strobach, Esq. 

Aug 18, 2023

It is with TREMENDOUS thanks to Judge Cohen and the Florida Judicial Regulation Commission that we welcome our first installment of "Interview with the Judiciary" to the Florida Family Law Podcast.  Judge Cohen shares extraordinarily valuable insights for litigants who are facing family court issues.

We think you will...