Sep 30, 2016
Are you an employee?
Want to make more money?
Want to have a tremendous career?
Listen to this show.
Sep 29, 2016
On today's show I cover four of the major perils of success.
Both failure and success have danger points. You might think a lot about the dangers of failure. But are you aware of the perils of success?
Have you thought about what might happen to you as you continue to achieve success?
In today's show, I share with you...
Sep 27, 2016
My guest today is Jason Vitug. Jason has a very interesting story of beginning at the bottom of the work-world, advancing quickly to company leadership, and then walking away to pursue travel and personal business projects that seem to integrate more with his life vision.
Oh, and he wrote a book and just finished a...
Sep 26, 2016
I recently appeared on Paula Pant's Afford Anything podcast for an in-depth discussion of the stages of financial independence.
The interview was one of the favorite interviews I've done in a while and I think you'll really enjoy it.
Sep 21, 2016
Hey Radicals!
I'm heading to California today for #FinCon16. I'd love to connect with as many of you as possible while I'm there!
I'll be available on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (9/22 to 9/24).
Reach out to me on Twitter and let's schedule a time to connect!