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Aug 29, 2017

Whenever there's a natural disaster, we have various articles on price gouging's lamentability, to wit, its harmfulness and illegality.

But, is it really bad?

I say not.

"Price gouging" (or, more accurately stated, the adjustment of market prices to meet changing demand) has tremendous utility for the well-being of all...

Aug 28, 2017

I've been watching the #HoustonFloods this weekend and considering the lessons I can learn for my own disaster planning.

Today, I share some useful ideas for you about how to plan for events like the Houston Floods.


Aug 22, 2017

Yesterday I was watching the solar eclipse (up north in the 100% band) and I happened to have breakfast with an expediter.

Not sure what that is?

Basically, a truck driver who drives a van. (More in the audio show.)

As we ate, I tried to lay out a few paths on how he could become financially free based on his current...

Aug 11, 2017

Time for Friday Q&A! If you'd like to join for a future show, sign up here:

Today, we cover:

  • 2:00 Should I refinance my credit card debt by moving it to a HELOC?
  • 34:10 Do you have passion for a job before the fact or do you become passionate about it after you're good at it?
  • 42:30...

Aug 8, 2017

As I celebrate the opening of the registration page for the beta launch of the new Radical Personal Finance Guide to Career & Income Planning, I intend to share with you a few simple lessons related to career and income.

Today, we begin with the philosophical fundamentals: the interplay of human capital and financial...