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Dec 29, 2014

Today, I bring you an interview with a dynamo: Eva from

I met Eva in New Orleans at the FinCon conference. She was attending with her mother and I was incredibly impressed with her.

Eva writes about about personal finance for a teen audience. She began at the age of 15 and she shares her own journey and also gives advice for other young people.

In the interview, we weave two themes:

  1. Eva's advice for teens
  2. Eva's own experience/example as a financial blogger

Both of these themes are valuable. Frankly, I'm a bit jealous of Eva's early start in writing about the topics of personal finance. I wish I'd had the foresight to begin at her age.

Listen carefully to the story of her site and consider how you can help your children--or yourself--to start something similar. It's a really neat story.

Other topics include:

  • Budgeting basics for teens
  • The envelope system
  • The value of attending professional conferences--especially for young people
  • How to teach teens to get jobs


