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Oct 31, 2017

I recently took a friend of mine (who is super broke) through a grocery store and shared with him some of my strategies to fill your tummy when you're flat broke.

This should help you save some cash...or at least help you teach someone else who's hungry how to eat cheap.


  • Today's show is sponsored by Warby...

Oct 20, 2017

After reading hundreds of listener emails this week, I've become very clear on the #1 mistake of the Radical Personal Finance audience.

Here's my attempt to help.


Oct 19, 2017

No, that title isn't clickbait. There really is risk created by paying off debt too quickly.

Details in the show.


Oct 18, 2017

Today, we handle this interesting question from a listener:

"In talking about Samaritan to a pastor-friend he threw out the scenario that your middle school age son is injured in an accident while riding in a friend's car, and the police find marijuana in the car--what happens?

When I asked a Samaritan rep about it he...

Oct 17, 2017

Erin writes in and says: "I love listening to your podcast- I know you've had a few episodes recently in reaction to current events. As a resident of the Bay Area I hope you could do an episode in relation to wild fires (if there isn't a past episode I am overlooking)."

Erin et al, here are my suggestions for you!