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Nov 28, 2018

605-Asset Protection Planning for Mere Mortals - Part 4 - Understanding the Litigation Process and Vectors of Financial Attack

Nov 16, 2018

It's Friday! That means live Q&A:

  • Healthcare Sharing Ministries and Their Maximum Limits
  • Health Savings Accounts and HCSMs
  • What To Do With An Inheritance When You're in Debt




Nov 15, 2018

In this episode of the podcast we tackle these two questions:

  • Is it legal to engage in asset protection planning?
  • Is it moral to engage in asset protection planning?

Short answer? Yes and yes. If that's enough for you, just skip listening to this episode. But if you'd like a bit more texture to the discussion,...

Nov 13, 2018

I love the topic of asset protection planning. It's super interesting to me.

But my observation is, like most topics, people involved in the business talk about what they can sell. The lawyers talk about corporations and trusts because they sell them. The insurance agents talk about life insurance and annuities because...