Ageless Energy

On this edition of Exploring Mind and Body, we open up Exploring Mind and Body listeners to a full episode of the D&D Morning Show.

Dorothy Keith and I put together a weekly morning show every Monday morning for our Monthly Membership. There is also an option to subscribe to the morning show so you have access to the new one each week.

The morning show is in video format, in this case we've turned the video into audio so you can listen as a podcast.

On this show, we talk about Staying on Track with your fitness routine and offer tips and suggestions on how you can keep moving forward and setting your sights on whatever health and fitness goals you want to achieve.

More details about the D&D Morning Show HERE.

Direct download: Staying_on_Track_-_2017-02-07_1.20_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MST