Dec 11, 2024
In this episode, I interviewed Carl Correra, who is an AKC field trial judge and competitor. Last year, I had the honor of watching Carl and his 12 year old GSP, Fancy, participate in the inaugural AKC Master Hunter Excellent test. Fancy tore up the course, was steady as a rock, and had all the participants cheering for her.
As someone who has unintentionally been competing with an older dog due to our late start, I've found myself being worried about her age. I think there's a lot of misconception out there about what is possible for a dog who is 10+. Carl and I discuss considerations to keep your older bird dog going strong even as they age.
You can email find Carl on Facebook or send him an email:
The Accidental Bird Dog Podcast is sponsored by OnX Hunt and Boss Shotshells. We are part of the HerUpland Podcast Network.