Jul 23, 2024
Imagine standing on the shore of a vast lake, watching the waves crash against the beach after a storm. Now put that beach on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, where the lakes contain liquid methane and ethane. Perhaps do not imagine yourself there after all, but enjoy the thought that even with the unfamiliar and hazardous...
Jul 16, 2024
When scientists found the first exoplanets over 30 years ago, the discovery defied all expectations. In the following decades, with the advent of NASA's Kepler and TESS missions and numerous ground-based observatories, the exoplanet count has risen to nearly 6,000 confirmed worlds and some 7,200 candidates. Press...
Jul 3, 2024
In 2023, scientists analyzed archival data from NASA's Magellan mission, which mapped the surface of our "twin" planet, Venus. They discovered evidence of a recent volcanic eruption on the world's surface by comparing the Magellan images over time. Now, a team of Italian scientists has found evidence for two more...