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Dead Robots' Society

Aug 26, 2010

This week Ryan, Terry, and Justin sit down to discuss a feature from about ten rules every writer should live and breathe by. We hope you enjoy!

Aug 17, 2010

This week Ryan and Terry help Justin brainstorm his new novel. The story idea is in its infancy, and the three guys take that egg and give it a good scrambling. If you have ideas to add to the mix, please send them in! Enjoy.

Aug 10, 2010

This week Justin and Terry sit down to talk about telling stories about the extraordinary in the midst of a mundane world. How do you make the usual unusual, the familiar strange and special? Come along and see if we shined a proper light on the subject.

Aug 3, 2010

This week Ryan, Terry, and Justin sit down to discuss the topic of scope. When it comes to stories, when is big too big and small too small? Enjoy!