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Dead Robots' Society

Sep 26, 2011

This week the robots sit down and chat once again with Robin Sullivan of Ridan Publishing about what sort of strategy authors should develop to maximize their exposure and sales. This is part one of the discussion, so come back next week for more. Enjoy.

Sep 19, 2011

This week the robots get back to a roundtable discussion, and in the conversation they tackle how to handle those bits of the story that might be considered boring or not so interesting. Do we get rid of them, change them, or let 'em be? Enjoy!

Sep 12, 2011

This week the Robots sit and chat with Lynne M. Thomas, the new editor of Apex Magazine. Lynne is also incredibly busy with plenty of other literary pursuits, so sit down and listen as we discuss archiving, editing, and publishing literature. Enjoy!

Sep 5, 2011

This week the Robots talk with Matt Selznick about telling stories across larger canvases, utilizing other media and mediums to create larger storyworlds. The way we can tell our stories is getting more and more interesting, so we hope you enjoy.