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Dead Robots' Society

Apr 30, 2013

This week the Robots sit down to chat with author Alethea Kontis about her novel ENCHANTED, her path to publication, and how the state of publishing is changing. Enjoy! She was delightful.

Apr 23, 2013

This week the Robots chat with authors David Wood and Alan Baxter about their joint new short novel, DARK RITE. We discuss collaborative writing, publishing, and horror. Enjoy!

Apr 16, 2013

This week the Robots chat with Marion Jensen to talk about his interesting fan fiction Kickstarter campaign called Massive Fiction. Fan fiction is a great way to learn about writing, and we think this campaign is one all writers should get on board with. Enjoy!

Apr 9, 2013

This week the Robots are joined by Lauren "Scribe" Harris to talk about writing to and for the opposite gender. What stereotypes should be avoided, which are true, and how should it affect your writing? Enjoy!

Apr 2, 2013

Join Terry and Paul as they talk about back cover blurbs and how to use them to market your book.