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Dead Robots' Society

Jul 30, 2013

This week the Robots chat about genre mashups. The topic of genre is slippery already, but when you talk about combining them it gets more slippery still. We hope you enjoy this conversation!

Jul 23, 2013

This week the Robots chat around the table about writing for the love versus writing for the money, and what it means to try and be commercial. We hope you enjoy the conversation!

Jul 16, 2013

This week the Robots talk with Glenn Farrington about the Kickstarter campaign for his upcoming computer program to help people write comic books. It was a great discussion! We hope you enjoy.

Jul 10, 2013

This week the Robots chat with Matthew Wayne Selznick about his novels Brave Men Run and Pilgrimage, as well as what he'll be working on in the future.

Jul 2, 2013

The Robots' talk with author, screenwriter, and director Charlie Brown about his upcoming anthology and transmedia. What happens when you get a New Orleans native together with two Texans? Come find out.