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Dead Robots' Society

Sep 26, 2015

Scott, Terry, Justin, and Paul think they know how to write short fiction which is: anything less than novel length. Also? Is Scott an insect?

Sep 19, 2015

Scott, Terry, and Paul discuss whether or not it's possible to publish too many books a year, or write too many books in a year. Also, we touch on some possible writing prompts for this election season.

Sep 12, 2015

Justin, Terry, and Paul discuss issues with finding and making the ending happen. What do you do if you get stuck? Also, what the hell is a Parsec Award anyway?

Sep 6, 2015

Terry and Paul discuss how they deal with writing the dreaded "middle" of the book and strategies to get past problems. Not that they work for us, of course, but in theory, we know what to do...or not.