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Dead Robots' Society

Aug 30, 2019

DRS Episode 558 - Universal Squirrels Paul and Terry sleepwalk their way through a variety of topics before settling on universal squirrels. Take a listen to find out what those are. Enjoy the show? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter and for as little as $1 a month, you can help keep the podcast free and receive...

Aug 26, 2019

Paul and Terry meander through a series of topics while Paul attempts not to lose his mind. He might even succeed. Like the show? Considering becoming a Patreon patron or purchasing one of our stories and thanks for watching. Support us on Patreon - Paul's Amazon Page...

Aug 13, 2019

DRS Episode 556 - More than a few words with Glynn Stewart Author Glynn Stewart joins Terry and Paul to discuss a variety of sci-fi topics including suspense and writing multiple series. Enjoy the show? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter and for as little as $1 a month, you can help keep the podcast free and receive...

Aug 1, 2019

Paul and Terry discuss space station design, ship design, moons, and other esoterica while Terry tries not to choke.