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Dead Robots' Society

Jun 25, 2024

Your words are terrible. You hate them. But does that make them bad?
Terry and Paul, sans Veronica, discuss.

Chat will present a napkin doodle made with ketchup as their magnum opus.

Our links:
Paul's store:
Paul's site:
Terry's site:...

Jun 17, 2024

Author, film maker, and publisher Charlie Brown joins the DRS Crew to discuss his kickstarter, his new magazine, and causes general mischief.

Chat is not helpful in keeping us on topic.


Our links:
Paul's store:
Paul's site:
Terry's site:...

Jun 8, 2024

Warp drives. Wormholes. Infinite Improbability. How do you get your characters from one place to another over interstellar distances? The DRS Crew warms up their dilithium crystals, opens a space/time anomaly, and summons an infinite number of monkeys who want to show us their Shakespeare plays.

Chat will no doubt join...

Jun 1, 2024

What's the difference between you and your brand? The DRS Crew discuss.

Chat, on the other hand, will likely bring iron.

Our links:
Paul's store:
Paul's site:
Terry's site:

Enjoy the...