Feb 4, 2014
The Robots return to talking about business. This time we're laying the foundation for a series of episodes on business. The start of that is to know what it means to be a career writer. In this case, as in many others to come, inspiration is drawn and quotes are made from the business writing blog of Kristine Kathryn Rusch. You can read the specific post linked below. Do yourself a huge favor and go start reading. http://kriswrites.com/business-rusch-publishing-articles http://kriswrites.com/2013/08/28/the-business-rusch-a-career-versus-publication Paul was just on Mythwits. Go check him out. http://mythwits.com Also mentioned was The Copyright Handbook by Nolo Press. A must have reference. href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005QEQDYC