Oct 28, 2010
This week Justin and Terry chat with Jake Bible and Paul E. Cooley about the subject of horror, and then are joined by Ryan to do our long awaited review of Bill Willingham's "Peter & Max." We hope you enjoy, and Happy Halloween!
Oct 21, 2010
This week Justin and Terry originally set out to discuss comfort zones and how to break out of them, but it ended up mostly being a whining session from Justin. Enjoy the emo.
Oct 14, 2010
This week Ryan, Terry, and Justin sat down to brainstorm the story idea a listener sent in. We had a great time, and we hope you do as well. Enjoy.
Oct 12, 2010
This is Justin Macumber's podcast short story, "Dark Running." We hope you enjoy. Please send all feedback to justin@justinmacumber.com.
Oct 7, 2010
This week Terry and Justin interview author and podcaster J.P. Moore. His novel, "Toothless," will be out on November 1st, 2010 from Dragon Moon Press. We hope you enjoy the conversation. His podcast and writing are both incredible.