Mar 29, 2019
Terry and Paul consider work life balance before they are distracted by thought squirrels. Like the show? Considering becoming a Patreon patron or purchasing one of our stories and thanks for watching. Support us on Patreon - Paul's new novel "Derelict: Destruction" -...
Mar 20, 2019
What topics are potential third rails? How do you deal with them and, more importantly, are they worth the trouble?
Mar 13, 2019
Paul and Terry discuss transitions, when to use them, and how to use them. Enjoy the show? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter and for as little as $1 a month, you can help keep the podcast free and receive exclusive content. More information at "".
Mar 8, 2019
Paul and Terry converse about adverb abuse and if there is such a thing. (spoiler: there is)