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OBM Opportunity

Calling all Jill-of-all-trades, all utility players, all right-hand women!  Ready to turn your patchwork-quilt-like background into a career as an Online Business Manager? Join Prowess Project leaders, Ashley & Leah, weekly, for strategies, real-talk and inside tips on how to become the OBM that CEOs are clamoring for.

May 25, 2023

Oftentimes, we think we are explaining what we offer well, but really... it's confusing... 

As an Online Business Manager (or any freelancer, really), you need to be CLEAR - which is way harder than it seems. 

Tune in as Prowess Project, CEO Ashley Connell, walks you through a SUPER simple formula to communicate what you do and more importantly, the VALUE you deliver to your ideal client.

Want to learn more about being an OBM or hiring one?  Head over to


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How Prowess Project Job Matching Works