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Florida Keys Traveler

Sep 23, 2024

From a historic haunted doll to an underwater music fest to the continental United States’ only breadfruit grove — and even fruit with the texture of a lizard! — there are many hidden off-the-beaten path wonders and adventures to be discovered throughout the Florida Keys.


Thank you to our guests:

-Patrick Garvey, owner and operator of Grimal Grove, a secluded lush “edible park” on Big Pine Key: 

-David L. Sloan, author of more than 25 books about the Florida Keys, including The New Florida Keys Bucket List and Haunted Key West: and, this year, Oct.18 through Oct. 27.

-Historian and author Brad Bertelli:


For more on the Florida Keys, go to To call from the United States or Canada, dial 1-800-F-L-A-K-E-Y-S or contact your travel advisor.


This episode was produced by Armchair Productions (, the audio experts for the travel industry. Elizabeth Harryman Lasley presented the show; Jason Paton and

Charles Tyrie did the audio and sound mixing; and Aaron Millar and Jenny Allison produced it.