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People of AI is an external-facing podcast showcasing inspiring stories and careers from the people who are building and pioneering the future of AI. Our goal is to widen awareness of AI technologies, offer credible insights, practical knowledge, and a sense of community, to anyone on their AI journey, wherever they are in that journey.

Dec 4, 2023

Meet Tulsee Doshi, Head of Product for Google’s Responsible AI and Human Centered Technology. She leads development of Google wide improvements, resources, and best practices for developing more inclusive and ethical products. She shares her journey from starting as an intern product manager through Google’s APM program to finding a career that allows her to mix her interdisciplinary interests to benefit users. Learn about adopting ethical and responsible technology principles to protect users and build better products on this episode of People of AI. Discover how easy it is to incorporate AI principles into products through a forward thinking mindset, Google’s Responsible AI Toolkit in TensorFlow and more.


Google Associate Product Manager Program → 

Responsible AI Toolkit → 

PAIR Guidebook → 

Monk Skin Tone Scale → 

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