Jun 26, 2023
As believers, we often encounter seasons of frustration and difficulties that can leave us questioning God’s plan for our lives. However, could it be that these moments of divine frustration hold significant spiritual and personal growth opportunities?
Divine frustration can potentially shape us into...
Jun 19, 2023
This week’s episode of the Roadmap to Destiny Podcast with Pastor Jasper T. Daniels of Power City Church of NJ. In this interview, Pastors Jasper and Pastor Joy will discuss how to embrace the current season you’re in while simultaneously preparing for your future.
Jun 12, 2023
The choices we make shape our path and determine the direction of our lives. Our decisions have the power to align us with our true purpose and set us on the trajectory towards our destiny or keep us from it. In this episode, Pastor Joy will share 10 steps to making better decisions.