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Peace On Purpose

Aug 28, 2023

Have you ever seen someone do something that got you thinking...I WONDER IF I COULD DO THAT?!


While the world has you running around like a crazy person trying to make meaning out of life, Following Jesus is not only fulfilling and full of meaning, but its more simple than we make it.


In this episode, LB talks about...

Aug 21, 2023

Does your heart drop when someone posts bad news?


Do you become afraid, wondering if you’re next, or begin waiting for the other shoe to drop?


In this episode, LB shares a simple 4 step process she uses to cultivate peace in a world full of bad news, so you are equipped to handle it better. 


In this season, it...

Aug 14, 2023

When you need something “done yesterday” you feel like you’re always behind. When you feel behind - Hurry seems like the only option forward. 


But that is a recipe for burnout.


In this episode, LB explains how there are two types of hurry - one is helpful with guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the other...

Aug 7, 2023

Be honest. How good are you at talking to God about things you need?

When someone receives something you are longing for, do you weaponize it against yourself as hopelessness - or do you think it's evidence you might be next in line?

In this episode, LB breaks down how unbelief keeps us from making our requests be made...