Apr 25, 2018
John tells the story of a 21 year old woman that fought Nazis in Germany at the height of the Second World War. Plus! Matt gives a history of piss in music!
Apr 18, 2018
John weaves a tale of Sex Pistols manager, artist, impresario and provocateur Malcolm McLaren and his loftiest aspirations to destroy pop music with a prank centered around the fetishization of children! Matt shares a funny porn clip! We announce the Patreon!
Apr 11, 2018
This episode live at the Hollywood Hotel has Matt delving into John Lennon and Harry Nilsson getting super chopped and bombed in L.A., Aaron reveals more about the dealers behind the Pablo Escobear fiasco, and John tells of the ongoing saga of the ex-con who posed as a genius to sell tons of nut to a sperm bank!!...
Apr 4, 2018
This episode has Matt drop the tale of obscure musician, member of Jefferson Airplane and avid psychedelic drug abuser Alexander Skip Spence!