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Profiles In Eccentricity

Sep 26, 2020

This week Johnboy regales the lads with the story of the freak show claw daddy known as Lobster Boy! Hear of the murder he committed and his own killing at the hands of the Human Blockhead! Plus Matt talks about satanic dinosaurs!!

Sep 18, 2020

This week Matt tells the lads about a well endowed German immigrant and his followers who participated in incestuous orgies and competed to birth the new messiah! Plus, Aaron tells of the Dutch resistance fighter who seduced Nazis to their death!

Sep 11, 2020

Aaron unveils his (WARNING: filthy) Marvel fan fiction. Before that, John drops his favorite scene from Falling Down and Matt gives a history of illegal sodomy in colonial New England.

An extra episode every week and deeper dives into the topics of our regular episodes, along with The Chopped Up Jukeboxes:

Sep 4, 2020

This week the lads bust out another grip of bizarre media including mysterious songs, race war novels, David Lynch weather reports, local commercials, salacious celebrity sex rumors of yesteryear, 1-900 numbers, the fashion of fury and more dumb shit!