Jan 25, 2024
This week Aaron enthralls the lads with the story of a bodyguard of Hitler who went on to liberate Mussolini from imprisonment and engineer Nazi commando operations before the post war era would see him conduct operations on behalf of the Israelis!
Jan 18, 2024
This week handsome Matt brings us the tale of the legendary Wild West lawman Bat Masterson, from his beginnings in Buffalo hunting to the 20th century boxing ring with the legendary myths of his days as a man on both sides of the law leading to only more questions of right and wrong and power and freedom to befuddle...
Jan 11, 2024
This week Johnboy and the lads conclude the saga of the Rocketbelt 2000 or “Pretty Bird” by taking on the voices of the slimy characters involved! Hammer attacks, kidnapping, police corruption and murder all make appearances in the ruthless scramble to attain the most useless invention on earth!
Jan 4, 2024
This week Johnboy shares the story of the rocketbelt, from its fictional beginnings in science fiction in literature and film before engineers and the military brought it to life - sort of! From Nazi rocket scientists to a few guys at the back of a car stereo plaza; behold the rocketbelt rejects!