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The High Performance LIFE

Aug 6, 2024

In this week's episode, I am joined by Jodi Wellman!

Jodi Wellman is a leading authority on living lives worth living.

As a speaker and facilitator, she helps her clients live squander-free lives while they’re lucky enough to still be above ground — while cleverly beginning with the “big end” in mind.

She named her business Four Thousand Mondays because it shines the light on the finite number of weeks we have to live like we mean it.

As Jodi puts it, she has a morbid curiosity about the Big Sleep… her Mom died in her 50s, which made life seem that much more temporary. But it was more than that…

Jodi reflects that it was her passing away that jostled her awake. It made her realize that she didn’t want to leave stones unturned and dreams unfulfilled (as she unfortunately did).

Jodi holds a Master’s of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, where she is also an Assistant Instructor.

As a certified coach with 25 years of corporate leadership experience, she helps executives, teams, and high performers work well and live even better.

Key Points

• Finite lives make things matter

• Fears can motivate great change

• Regrets of inaction haunt us

• Daily moments as life’s treasure

• Action is key to life’s vitality


Best Quotes
06:43 - 06:55

• "So we, we, it's too bad we need it. And I've always found that to be a little chink in the armor of humanity, you know, that we really need to be motivated by sometimes what is negative rather than just what is positive."

08:29 - 08:38

• "Because in honesty, you're a step ahead. Like, I mean, it took you a beat 'cause it sounded like you were doing the in and out of the cities as one example."

11:21 - 11:25

• "Our values change over time based on our perception of time, the horizon's ahead of us."
37:34 - 37:46

• "But if it's something that matters to you, then in a way you're living in an authentic life if you're not doing a, you know, as much as you might want to do by not traveling and thwarting that goal or dream."

40:52 - 40:59

• "But can we talk about the big elephant in the room? And no, it's not the grim reaper for once. It is the fear that we're just sort of chicken shit."

43:08 - 43:13

• "It's better to have lived and failed or lost and fucked up than never who have lived at a

47:12 - 47:20

• "The difference, you know, between people who are hoping to be successful in mostly people who are successful. It's like, what are you doing?"

To learn more about Jodi:
If you are interested in Jodi‘s book: