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Dec 29, 2023

This message from our archive is from IanMcKellar, the message was shared at NCCB on the 31st of October, 1999. 

Dec 22, 2023

In this new series we are exploring NCCB's archive of sermons! This recording is from a message by Ian McKellar from January 1999. Ian McKellar lead the team at New Covenant Church Bryanston for many years. We hope you enjoy this blast from the past and are having a restful holiday season.

Dec 15, 2023

Join Ash and Trevor as they take you on a journey through our rich history as NCCB and remind us of the reason we exist. Whether you're a longtime member or just curious about our story, this podcast is for you!

Dec 8, 2023

Carine is an Actress, a SAFTA winner 'Best Actress in a TV Comedy', and Luke owns Rous House Productions. He has worked in the South African TV and Film industry for 15 years, producing over 250 hours of prime-time content and 2 feature films.

In this podcast they share some of their personal stories and discuss their...

Dec 1, 2023

Today Kim Ballantine shares her journey and testimony of her recovery from voice loss and cancer. We hope that through hearing her story you will be filled with faith, for there is power in sharing what our God has done. Kim has also written a book called Hot Tea & Apricots where you can hear more of her story!

Find out...