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Screw It, I'm Just Gonna Talk About Music Or Whatever

Nov 22, 2023

It's holiday time, which for many people means family! Or some version thereof!


Songs discussed in this episode:

Boney M - Daddy Cool (1976)

Danzig - Mother (1988)

Animal Collective - Brother Sport (2009)

John & Beverley Martyn - Auntie Aviator (1970)

Spirit - Uncle Jack (1968)

Vampire Weekend - Cousins (2010)


Nov 16, 2023

Today's songs all have titles in the imperative mood, including both affirmative (what to do) and negative (what to don't).


Songs discussed in this episode:

Norma Tanega - Treat Me Right (1966)

Perpetual Langley - Surrender (1966)

Tom Waits - Hoist That Rag (2004)

Madness - Shut Up (1981)

Phyllis Dillon - Make Me...

Nov 8, 2023

Today I'm sharing some songs from Japan that I like!


Songs discussed in this episode:

Kyu Sakamoto - Sukiyaki (1963)

Mariah - Shinzo No Tobira (1983)

The Mad Capsule Markets - 公園へあと少し (1994)

Susumu Hirasawa - Mediational Field (2007)

Haruomi Hosono - Bara To Yaju (1973)

Yukiko Okada - Hana No Image...

Nov 1, 2023

Our first episode with a theme based on lyrical content! This week all the songs are about money, either having it or not having it.


Songs discussed in this episode:

Pink Floyd - Money (1973)

Jane Kennaway - IOU (1980)

Gary U.S. Bonds - Out Of Work (1982)

Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M. (1993)

Radiohead - Dollars and Cents...