Dec 30, 2022
Today I’m talking about, "What It Means to Give Our Kids Gifts"
How do we know what's too much to give to our kids?
How do we teach our kids gratitude?
Please feel free to share any thoughts about this episode.
To hear more and learn more about today’s topic:
Join Redefine Parenting: Give Your Kids A...
Dec 23, 2022
Today I’m talking about, "How Do We Give Our Kids Their Worth?"
How do we help our kids know that their worth comes within themselves?
That they are important and belong in this world?
Please feel free to share any thoughts about this episode.
To hear more and learn more about today’s topic:
Join Redefine...
Dec 21, 2022
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them.
Join me with my special guest, Kre8 as he helps us realize and explore the topic of, “How to overcome yourself”
Please be aware you are witnessing a live-recorded conversation exploring...
Dec 16, 2022
Today I’m talking about, "How do we get out of our kids playing the victim?"
What does it mean to be a victim?
We all know life is unfair and sometimes we just have to do the things that we don't wanna do.
Discipline is doing the prescribed thing at a prescribed time even though you wanna do it.
Please feel...
Dec 14, 2022
This week's guest is Tony Rodrigues, “Get Up & Grow"
Please be aware you are witnessing a live-recorded
conversation exploring opinions that do not necessarily represent
you, global views, and/or scientific approaches.
These are just conversations of opinions through personal experiences, challenges, and studies....