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Sports Curious

Apr 15, 2020

We have the best excuse for dinner and a movie since “Netflix and chill.” "Jump Shot" is an award-winning film that celebrates the true story of Kenny Sailors. Sailors is a forgotten basketball legend who changed the game of basketball as we know it by introducing the jump shot. But he was so much more than an NBA pioneer. He revolutionized the sport for women, served as a U.S. marine in WWII and then faded into history.   We were lucky enough to catch an advance screening of the film. (Spoiler alert – you’ll laugh out loud and you’ll cry – it’s that good). We caught up with director Jacob Hamilton who proudly shared his labor of love that is “Jump Shot.”   The film is out for limited release on April 16 – 18. You can watch at Sports Curious presented by Last Night's Game, is here to take the awkward out of conversation and help you join the sports conversation, even if you don't know the first thing about sports. We breakdown what's happening in sports in an easy to understand, fun way without all of the statistics and jargon so you never have to exit stage left when the chatter at the office, dinner table or a networking event switches to sports. You can always catch us between podcasts at or on social media. If you love us, make sure to leave us a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.