Dec 29, 2023
What is a TERF? I’m joined for this week’s interview by Louise M. Perry, one of the most insightful and thoughtful observers of the wreckage left behind by the sexual revolution. We discuss the “radical” part of being a “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” whether social norms can leave space for...
Dec 26, 2023
It's (still) Christmas!! On the feast of St. Stephen's Day (AKA Boxing Day), we gather around the cozy fire with our egg nogg and our gifts to talk about...martyrdom? Here's one extra Christmas special on the full twelve days of the holiday and the connections between Christmas morning, the first Christian martyr, and...
Dec 22, 2023
Academia delenda tunc recolenda. "The academy must be destroyed...and then rebuilt." Today's guest, Inez Stepman, is a thoughtful obsesrver of the American education system and an insightful exponent of hard-nosed practical action plans to revive the country's academic health. We discuss the great...
Dec 19, 2023
It's that time of the year again: time for some very online doofus to point out that Christmas falls around the same date as the Saturanalia, as if no one figured this out until Reddit was invented. In fact, the date of Christmas is carefully posed against the date of Easter so that the whole liturgical year can emerge...
Dec 15, 2023
How do you do church in the digital age? Is there such a thing as an atheist? To what extent are our crazy times really unprecedented, and to what extent are they nothing the Church hasn't seen before? These are some of the questions I tackle with my friend Paul VanderKlay, a minister in the Christian Reformed Church, a...