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Being All Of You

Oct 25, 2023

If you want to experience more joy in your life + feel more fully expressed in your business, you’re likely going to rub up against the often uncomfortable edges like fear, rejection, and discomfort as you grow.


But what if instead of trying to avoid those messy edges + emotions, you learned to embrace it all as...

Oct 18, 2023

Sound is so powerful. It can relax you, activate you, trigger you, transport you, completely shift your energy or mood, and most of all, it grounds you fully into the present moment.


I experienced this first hand at a sound bath healing this past spring with Vinny Colandrea (@reverb_yogi), a sound practitioner known...

Oct 11, 2023

Learning to feel comfortable being your true self online is definitely a learning process.


Finding the balance between what feels good to share + what to keep private can be tricky, and even more so for therapists who are used to adhering to stricter boundaries behind the scenes with their clients (for good reason!),...

Oct 4, 2023

Ever notice how your mind loves to use the past as a way to predict the future? 🔮⁣


What I’ve found to be true is - if we truly want to open up to ALL possibilities (especially ones that haven’t yet happened in our reality) and create a different outcome, without being anchored into the past, we have to shift...