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Being All Of You

Nov 29, 2023

It can be so easy to get lost in the day to day of growing your business and lose sight of your mission and why you started in the first place.


This week on Being All Of You, I’m thrilled to welcome Jenny Jones (@jennymjones_), a business operations consultant, who is also called a business therapist by her clients....

Nov 22, 2023

Have you ever felt like a failure because something unexpected came up in your business and you weren’t prepared to handle it?


I think we’ve all been there.


This week’s podcast guest, Michelle Vroom (@marketlikeabossmv), a business coach who specializes in helping women become sought out through simple...

Nov 15, 2023

One of my coaching clients expressed recently that while she has beautiful spiritual practices to regularly connect back in with herself, she also felt the pressure to share MORE of herself online.


She found herself starting to view her personal moments through the lens of other people, rather than feeling connected...

Nov 8, 2023

The default for so many of us is to live our lives or build our businesses by following what we think we “should” do or making decisions based on external influences, without stopping to check in with ourselves first.


This week’s podcast episode is all about restoring your personal power and connecting back in...

Nov 1, 2023

One thing I know about the many of the people in my life and in the virtual biz world is that they are constantly evolving + expanding into being who they really are… They often come up with brilliant ideas, offers, elevated ways of serving their clients, or new ways they want to exist in the world. And this expansion...